Terms and Conditions


Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. Micro Commercial Components (MCC) is taking strong measures to protect ourselves and our customers from the proliferation of counterfeit parts. MCC strongly encourages customers to purchase MCC parts either directly from MCC or from Authorized MCC Distributors who are listed by country on our web page cited above. Products customers buy either from MCC directly or from Authorized MCC Distributors are genuine parts, have full traceability, meet MCC's quality standards for handling and storage. MCC will not provide any warranty coverage or other assistance for parts bought from Unauthorized Sources. MCC is committed to combat this global problem and encourage our customers to do their part in stopping this practice by buying direct or from authorized distributors.


MCC's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of an officer of Micro Commercial Components Corp. As used herein: (a) Life support devices or systems are devices which (i) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (ii) directly support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user; (b) a critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system or to affect its safety or effectiveness.


The technical data disclosed herein has been diligently prepared and is believed to be accurate. Micro Commercial Components does not assume any liability whatsoever for any inadvertent inaccuracies disclosed herein, nor does it warrant that the devices described herein will meet any specific requirements or expectations regarding the compatibility thereof with any specific product. The data herein is not intended to establish any superior technical expertise. Micro Commercial Components reserves the right to make changes in any device, without notice, and for any reason whatsoever, including enhanced reliability, device function, performance and/or design. Micro Commercial Components and its customers shall be only bound by express warranties set forth in written documents signed by each party.


Micro Commercial Components Corporation warrantees that each device it supplies will comply fully with the purchase specification and will be free of defects in workmanship and materials, which could impair the function of the device. Micro Commercial Components Corporation makes no representation or warranty regarding the successful function of any of our devices in a particular application; this determination is left to the purchaser who has control of the application. No warranty is extended to any device which has been processed, modified or otherwise screened by the purchaser or his agent subsequent to shipment by Micro Commercial Components Corporation, unless expressly agreed to by Micro Commercial Components Corporation in writing prior to the processing, modification or screening. No warranty is offered for any device, which has been operated in excess of the maximum ratings shown in the purchase specification . For the purpose of this warranty, the term purchase specification shall refer to either the appropriate electrical and mechanical specifications contained in the Micro Commercial Components Corporation data book, or other agreed upon specification(s). The purchaser shall have no rights under this warranty unless Micro Commercial Components receives notice of the claim within three months (four months for international shipments) of the date of shipment of goods, which are claimed to be nonconforming. Micro Commercial Components Corporation's liability under the terms of this warranty is solely and exclusively limited to the repair or replacement of the discrepant devices(s). In no consequential, or special damages of any sort arising from the use or attempted use of any of its products. Micro Commercial Components Corporation makes no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, beyond that contained herein.


The Buyer must fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the purchase, sale, shipment, export, re-export, transfer, or use of the Products. Specifically, the Buyer must adhere to all customs, import, and export regulations of all relevant countries, regions, and territories, including but not limited to the United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, European Union, China, India, and Taiwan, as they pertain to the Products. All documentation related to licenses, clearances, and shipping required for the delivery of the Products will be managed at cost, with the Buyer solely responsible for these expenses.
The Buyer is prohibited from providing the Products to any entities or individuals restricted by applicable laws and regulations. The Products are intended for delivery to the ultimate destination indicated on the shipment or invoice address, and any diversion from this is prohibited. The Buyer must conduct thorough screening and due diligence to ensure that the transaction does not involve any person or entity identified as a restricted or denied party under any trade embargo, sanction, debarment, or denied party list maintained by any applicable government. Furthermore, the Products sold hereunder may not be exported, re-exported, or transferred to any end-user involved in activities related to the design, development, production, use, or stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction (e.g., nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, and missile technology). The Buyer must obtain an export license, if applicable, for any sales, exports, re-exports, transfers, or uses of the Products and/or the sale of end equipment or applications containing the Products.